1 美元(USD)=
7.2386 人民币(CNY)
反向汇率:1 CNY = 0.1381 USD
更新时间:2024-11-21 20:54:01
The exchange rate between the USD and the CNY on 2024-11-20 is 7.2389
Here is the exchange rate between USD and CNY!
1 USD=7.2389 CNY
10 USD=72.389 CNY
50 USD=361.945 CNY
100 USD=723.89 CNY
500 USD=3619.45 CNY
1000 USD=7238.9 CNY
10000 USD=72389 CNY
1 CNY can be exchanged for 0.1383 USD
1 CNY=0.1383 USD
10 CNY=1.383 USD
50 CNY=6.915 USD
100 CNY=13.83 USD
1000 CNY=138.3 USD
The above is the exchange rate between USD and CNY today!